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piesne, poezia( :D )

Napsal: 1.11.2007 1:02
od Morty
UPOZORNENIE: Niektore texty obsahuju hrube gramaticke chyby, neslusne vyrazy a vulgarizmy, preto mozu poskodit psychicky vyvoj maloletych!
mozno to olutujem, ale nejaku kritiku potrebujem... toto su texty, ktore som napisal snad polroka dozadu... vtedy bola trava a alkohol mojim (skoro) kazdodennym chlebickom :lol:

a aj tak to asi nikto nedocita do konca :lol:

when i wake up its all orange
then its all white
i mananage myself to arange
all the day to right
if i finally open my eyes
its all blue
my eyes
are like glue(sticked together)

colors of the day
colors of the day
like a rainbow
colors of the day
its like an ooh

all my day is pink
like an glasses
everybody think
i'm crazy, but
everything its

i'd like to blink my eyes
when its noon
she cries
for a moon
all its blue
all its pink 'n' blue

colors of the day
colors of the day
like a rainbow
colors of the day
its like an ooh

you're so colorful
i want all colors of you
when the moon's full
i want that color of you


when the day its going to end
i'm about to send
a message to you:
how are you?

there's so much colors of the day
i just want to say

colors of the day
colors of the day
like a rainbow
colors of the day
its like you

by the way
noon's away
it's going to black
i'm finding lack
of shed(when)
everything's red
day's red, day's red
oh yeah day's red, but
ehen the sun goes down
everything will be black
in the end, i'm so sad
i'm feeling like a clown
i found a lack
of colors, 'cause

colors of the day
colors of the day
like a rainbow
colors of the day
its like you

everything is dark without you(come to me)
everything is sad
so empty
i thought about us
thought about colors of the day, but
a can't forget

forgive me...


wizard of the stone sits
like a solid rock
wih so viscid face
nothing says
just lays
on the green grass

wanna beat him can't do that
everything's going to red
with someone over there
everthing's going to end

firemage walking on the streets
with heart full of anger
everything he hits(everything fits)
cries: what a stranger
hate is his power, hate!

wanna beat him, can't do that
everything's going to red
with someone over there
just sit and stare

water wizard walks on the river
makes everything shiver
his hands full of life and
where he is, there's nothing but end

wanna beat him, can't do that
everything's blue, bringing
to the life , oh dad
my bells are ringing

airmage like an shadow
moving in close steps, hiding from the sun
jumping like a fairie in the middle of the meadow
having fun
from killing people

wanna beat him, can't do that
trying to survive all the time
from all damage done, looking at
your clocks to know when the end comes, to be fine

wanna beat him
wanna kill him
wanna slay him
to be better than the rest
never do that



i'm walking on road to neverland
i'm walking on this road with you
and i'm so tired of world...

i'm walking on this road to neverland
and i'm so tired of you
i'm sick of thought, that i can't hold you for a while

i gave you some time for make up your mind, and you...
drove me mad, and you...
are walking on that road alone...(without me)

you can't give me back
you can't feel me again
everything you can see is my back
facing you...

you never gave me what i want
i never said no
i never said why
i never said go
i never said bye...

there wasn't any time to do this...

and so i'm walking on that damned road to hell
you're walking behind, not aside...
i'm walking on road to neverland
i'm walking on this road alone
and i'm so tired of you...

damn you
damn love
damn world
damn that all!

i'll give you another second chance
to betray me
to lay me
to love me

when loved you you gave it all away
then i've hated you
i thought, that i can know little better, but...
you betrayed me
i gave you all my heart, but...
you have broke it

so i'm still walking on that road to neverland
i'm carrying thought about you in my heart
and i'm walking on that road to think about you, and me, and so on...
i'm walking on that damned road to hell

i want a night
i want a sleep (without you)
i still want you...
i'm sitting on that damned road trough life to catch up my breath
and you're running me down,but i'm so tired to run away...

are you still watching me?
are you still betraying me?
are you still loving me?
I HATE YOU!('cause)

i'm walking on road to neverland
i'm walking on that road with you
and i'm so tired of world...


(a nazaver nieco punkove :twisted: )
Psycho - Schyzo
uvazneny v apatii
nevnimas svet
len ten svoj v tvojej hlave
nikoho takeho niet
ako si ty

ked cely svet sa hruti, nevnimas to
jedine co ta zaujima su tvoje hrianky
pokojne sedis a nevnimas ty
otvaras svoje prazdne stranky

zivota premarneneho
vekom odplaveneho
casom zabudnuteho

si monstrum, ktore sa nevie ovladat
nikomu na svete niesi schopny dat
co potrebuje najviac zo vsetkeho
snaz sa vyhrabat zo svojho sediveho
sna plneho nocnych mor

co ti vravi druhe ja?
prestan, to boli?
snazis sa zabudnut na
to, ze to boli?

nepredvidatelny ako pustny vietor
sedis schuleny jak vosk stekajuci po sviecke
noz vnikajuci do spor
krv plaziaca sa po obliecke

depresia ta objima
zaludok ta napina
necitis bolest
daj mi ruku, budem ta viest

co ak si normalny
niesi to monstrum bez duse
kyves hlavou na stranu zo strany
vravim ti vsak z duse!

tak sa uz prebud
ci si sprosty
co nevidis
cely svet okolo teba
je zrucany

ty si cmulas prst jak male decko
jedine co vnimas je hlas vnutri teba
nevnimas nic, len seba!
ked hruti sa okolo teba vsecko

si monstrum bez mysle, bez citov
si stroj, si nic
bez vonkajsich vplyvov
si svoj zivot kludne znic!

si monstrum!
prebud sa, este je cas!
zivot sa nekonci
vsetko sa len zacina

sleduj slnko jak vychadza
ako mesiac zachadza
za nim nejde noc, ale prichadza den
je to most, a ty kracas cezen

vstan, vezmi si moju ruku do dlane
pod, nech sa to stane
laskou ti naplnim zivot ty psycho
kde si? je tu tma a ticho...

kde je zaciatok, v ktory si tak dufal
kde je ten, pre ktory som nariekal
prichadza koniec vsetkeho co som miloval
vsetkeho dobreho som sa vzdal(pre teba)

je tu len tma, nic viac
nado mnou svieti cerveny mesiac
kricim na neho, volam ho
neodpoveda, je hluchy?

moje druhe ja tu uz nieje?
kde je ten sen?
preco odchadzaju mraky?
a tie ruky?

ruky, ktore sa ku mne priblizuju
beru ma z tmy,
nie, mne neublizuju
uz niesme my!

som len ja.
a novy den,
ktory svita
tak z noci sa zmen!

nadej je tu, novy plamen
z iskry vznikol novy zivot
z tej iskierky, novy den
tam kde rodi sa slnko
sa narodila nova nadej
normalnym byt
zivotom sa prebit
piesen narekov skoncit

monstrum v tebe umiera
uz niesi viac chory, nie
krc ti zaludok nezviera
kto to vsetko vie?

ty si to sam sposobil
sam si to privodil
nie neplac viac
pre mrtvy mesiac
skonci to trapenie

na kokot system na pycu stat
naco sa so vsetkym srat?!
mam doma sediet,
abo doma sa hrat
chcem vsetko vediet
vsetko mat(ako to dosiahnut?)

ak si myslis, ze ma poznas
pod ku mne, a mi to dokaz
nebud srab, postav sa mi celom
dostanes na pycu aj so svojim delom
netas na mna zbran, si snad kokot?

dneska si tu sam
nikto pri tebe
kazdy si mysli, ze ti jebe
na vsetkych si sa vysral(hladas pomoc), ano!
uz ti to doslo? dobre rano!

na kokot system na pycu stat
naco sa so vsetkym srat
mam doma sediet
abo vonku sa hrat
chcem vsetko vediet
vsetko mat!

podpal mi dvere, znic mi byt
nezalezi! v sebe mam nepriestrelny kryt

preco si skaces
nieco chces
nieco vies?(NIC!)
nic mi nesmies!

som tvoj spasitel
tvoj ucitel
tvoj nicitel
tvoj mucitel

myslis si, ze koncim
nie! len zacinam
budem pokracovat,
ale az zajtra...

dodatok na zaver: mam nieco dalsie v zasobe, ale to su tak osobne texty, ze som nimi sam prekvapeny :shock: